Browsing CategoryLove

Dan DeKoter: Primary Reasons Couples Divorce

When we are children we imagine meeting our perfect mate and being married one day. Our expectations are that this marriage will last forever and be filled with joy and constant happiness. When we grow up and have the good fortune of finding someone we love enough to marry, we do it realizing that sometimes fairytales do not have a happy ending. However, with this said, no one enters into marriage with the expectancy that it will end in divorce. Yet unfortunately despite love being as strong as it is and people committing to the monumental efforts that it takes…

How T.B. Joshua Aims to Take SCOAN Forward

The SCOAN (Synagogue Church of All Nations) is a unique church, led by Prophet TB Joshua has followed the same vision for many years now. They aim to reach millions of people, showing them the evidence of the presence of Christ and giving them saving grace. God speaks through TB Joshua, using him as a divine instrument of salvation, blessing, deliverance, prophecy, and healing. Healing is a particularly important element of what SCOAN stands for, citing examples of people who recover from terminal illnesses, including cancer and AIDS. They believe this is proof of the presence of God and Jesus…

4 Tips to a Happy Engagement


If you are planning on getting engaged in the near future, it is safe to say that there will be lots to think about. For starters, how soon after your engagement are you thinking about a wedding? In some cases, a wedding follows soon thereafter. In other instances, it can be several years before a couple ultimately ties the knot. No matter where you fall in this area, it is yet one more thing to think about. Needless to say, men and women view engagements from different perspectives. For the woman, she is most excited that her significant other has…

Unique and Original Date Night Ideas to Keep Things Interesting

Whether your romance started in a cafe, yoga class or on a dating site like Victoria Brides, once you have been in a relationship or a marriage for a substantial amount of time, you begin to get bored with the typical and over-used date night ideas. It can also be quite difficult to break out of a routine of doing the same things over and over again. But trying out a new activity or idea for date night is not only a fun thing to do with your partner, but it might just be the thing you need to get…

Sorting out the Transportation for a Wedding

A lot of people would love to hire a limousine as their wedding car. However, you can’t just pick up the phone and call a limousine on the day itself, this is something you need to plan well in advance. And one of the things you have to do is make sure that you find good limousine services as well. Planning Your Wedding Limo First of all, you need to make sure that you book your limo as early as possible. This will give you more of a chance to actually get the limo that you want. You usually have…

Advantages to Working Out With Your Spouse

Workout With Your Spouse

Working out can be a challenge for some but having a partner makes this easier. What better partner than your significant other? Working out with your partner can help your health as well as benefit your relationship. Here are some reasons to workout with your spouse. Motivation It is easy to say “I’ll do it later” when you are talking to yourself but having your spouse on the same workout regiment as you means you will have to convince each other. This means you both act as support for the other, which can double your chances of making it to the gym…