Leadership is a very rare quality in most people, there are some who are born with the ability to lead people, they can inspire, engage and energize a wide range of people without even having to think about it. The people who are born with these skills are very much in the minority and the rest of the World’s great leaders have had to work exceptionally hard on their skills and qualities as a leader.
We spoke with leadership expert Haris Ahmed to find out what skills are required to set you apart as a leader from those who don’t have quite what it takes to lead.
Ability to Inspire
Great leaders have the skills and charisma to inspire all of those around them, a task that is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. The reason that this is so difficult is that so many people are inspired and motivated in many different ways and a great leader needs to be able to tap into the emotions of many. Inspiration can be done with both deeds and actions and great leaders possess the ability to do both with consummate ease.
In an organization or a team, there is nobody more committed or dedicated than the leader and this energy and all out commitment is infectious. In order to be a great leader you will need to be the first person in the door and the last one out, you will be the one who is constantly up for the challenge and the one who strives for success in everything that you do.
Communication Skills
The very best leaders have the ability to be able to communicate with a wide range of different people from different backgrounds. They also have the knack of being able to get their message across with absolute clarity and precision so that there is absolutely no room for error. Having great communication skills is about far more than just being able to speak to people and ensure that everyone understands what you are trying to tell them, it is also about listening to the right people and taken on criticism, advice and ideas when the time is right.
Forward Thinking
All of the very best leaders not only have their eyes on what is happening day to day but also with one eye on the future and how they can shape it. Business leaders for example are always looking for ways in which they can best exploit the market and how they can seek growth. It is in this preparation for the future and the capacity to think big that a leader can not only put themselves in a position to succeed when the time is right but also to be fully prepared for when things may not go to plan. All of the great leaders have the ability to keep an open eye on the future.