Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Daycare Nursery For Your Child

Choosing a daycare nursery for your child is one of the most important decisions you will ever take. A daycare nursery helps build your child’s future and going wrong with this can cause troubles. However, many parents still make the grave mistake of choosing a wrong daycare center.

Firstly, you have to understand what we mean when we use the word ‘wrong’. A wrong daycare nursery is basically one that does not help your child grow in every aspect.

A daycare nursery isn’t there just to educate your child, but also to help build a childs character while helping him or her understand the basic concept of life. Sadly this is easier said than done.

To ensure that your child goes to the best daycare nursery, you need to be careful and pay attention to every small detail.

According to experts working at Little Hands Little Feet, a day nursery in Belfast, Northern Ireland known for its friendly staff, “Many parents think that all day nurseries are equal and often only pay attention to the money they’ll spend. Unfortunately they neglect the other factors. This mistake can cost them a lot in the long run.”

day care

Keeping this advice in mind, let’s have a look at some of the mistakes to avoid when choosing a daycare nursery for your child:


Not Involving Your Child in the Decision

One of the most common mistakes that parents make when choosing a daycare nursery for their kid is that they neglect the interest of their child. It is important that you bring your child along to the nursery before you make your final decision. See how the teachers communicate with your child and how your child feels about being there.

This will also let you know how experienced the teachers are and how well they can handle children. However, make sure the facility allows you to bring children before you so, as some daycare centers may not allow children to interact with the staff beforehand.


Too Far From Home

Convenience should be on top of your list when you choose a daycare nursery for your child. However, many parents neglect this factor and go for nurseries that are far only because they’re a bit cheaper.

This mistake should be avoided because it shouldn’t be about money but about building a future for your child. Also, travelling so far each day can be bad for your child’s health and he/she may begin to lose interest in the daycare activities. Plus its not good for you either! Research suggests the average adult spends 32 hours a year in traffic jams as it is! Avoid the traffic and find somewhere close to you.


Not Doing Any Research

Do a lot of research before you finalize a your decision on which center to choose. This can be achieved by visiting the facility in person and interacting with the staff. You should also talk to other parents to find out what they think about the service.

Moreover, check out reviews online. This can be the easiest way to research and does not even require much time nor effort.



Safety includes everything from well-trained staff to safe environment. Check out the kind of policy the school has regarding dropping and picking children and other such factors.

Always interview the management and find out how they deal with safety. This is of course a crucial factor since you want to be able to relax and get a good nights sleep knowing your child is being well taken care at their day care nursery.



If you want to send your child to the best day care nursery then make sure to avoid these mistakes.