Dr. Adam Stein Raleigh, NC talks about who can benefit from neck surgery

Over the last few years it would be fair to say that advancements in neck surgery have been monumental. Once upon a time they were tried-and-tested, but now the situation has turned on its head. The procedures are advanced to say the least, and the rates of success are some of the highest around.

The result of the above is that a huge proportion of people have benefited from a full recovery of their initial neck problem. This is something that appeared inconceivable just several years ago.

One person who knows plenty about neck surgery is Dr. Adam Stein Raleigh, NC. He has been at the forefront of such surgery for a number of years, and has been through the progress that’s recently occurred. This is the reason we have tapped into his knowledge today, as we get to the bottom of neck surgery and investigate which people will benefit the most from this type of surgery.

Is your problem correctible?

Unfortunately, there will always be some people which just aren’t suitable candidates for surgery. We’re not talking about the standard exclusion criteria, usually related to age or other conditions, but more the type of problem that is causing the issue in the neck.

If you have undergone an MRI scan and found that a herniated disc, or something placing pressure onto nerves or the spinal cord, is the root of the problem – it’s a sure fire reason that you will be a relevant candidate. It’s in these cases whereby surgery will reduce the compression on the nerves, before allowing them to heal in the aftermath and eliminate the pain.

Unfortunately, not all neck pain is linked to this. Some forms aren’t necessarily correctible, and this is where some people won’t be viable candidates for the surgery.

How much do the symptoms affect your life?

Some people may have neck pain, but whether or not it requires surgery is another matter in its entirety. As we’ve already commented on, surgery success rates have flown through the roof over recent years, but that doesn’t mean to say that every case should be treated in the operating theatre.

Generally, consultants will only recommend surgery if the pain is starting to get worse and worse. If the pain is still in its early stages, and quite mild, they will usually suggest less intrusive options before even considering a surgical solution.

Have other options been tried?

The previous point we alluded to links perfectly to this next one; which other options have been tried so far? As one might expect, there are a whole host of options before surgery is attempted. These generally include physical therapy, massages and various medications. It should go without saying that if none of these options have been explored, a doctor is unlikely to recommend surgery. Sure, they might do eventually, but less-intrusive options will always be preferred in the early stages of neck pain for obvious reasons.