Posts Tagged‘renting’

What Are Millennial Looking For In Rental Properties?

As the years go by and generations change, the demand for what each generation requires in a rental property will also change. Millennials are generally described as anyone who was born after 1980 and it is this generation which is occupying the largest majority of rental space throughout the world. If you are looking to rent a property then it really makes sense to understand just what the most popular renters are actually looking for in a property, so that you can meet their needs. There is much to consider when renting a property out, I myself went through this…

Red Flags to Watch Out For When Screening Tenants

Every landlord should take the process of screening tenants very seriously because the laws protecting tenants may make it very difficult to evict tenants.  It is also the case that, in addition to damaging your property in ways that may not be covered by your insurance, a tenant’s criminal activity on your property may become your responsibility.  Fortunately, while there are no guarantees, there are some red flags that you can recognize from the first conversation you have with a potential tenant that can alert you to problems before they happen. W hen someone calls about your apartment, be sure…