Posts Tagged‘learning’

Exercise Your Brain, Play Video Games

Video and computers games often have a bad reputation. If you grew up playing video or computer games, how many times did your parents tell you that you would “rot your brain,” or they were worried it would interfere with your intelligence? Jump ahead a decade or two, and you probably turned out just fine, right? While too much gaming and certain types of games can negatively affect your brain, we’re going to focus on the positives when it comes to playing video and computer games. Video Games for the Developing Brain Children can benefit from playing video games but…

Helping your baby to learn


We have no doubt that you love your baby or that you’ve wanted the very best for your child from the moment he or she was born. Indeed, you’ve probably thrown yourself into this article in a desperate attempt to understand your baby’s development and to assist him or her in any way that you can. Even though your role as a parent should be one of support, encouragement, and influence, you must also take the time to appreciate your baby’s early days and to draw inspiration from his or her innocence. The good news is that there are countless…