Posts Tagged‘new business’

Why London is a Great Place to Start Up a Business


London is one of the world’s most famous cities and as such it is also a major business capital that continues to attract new investors. With a reputation as a world-leading enterprise capital, London is a great place to start up a new business. 2015 statistics indicate that London hosted no fewer than 400,000 micro business ventures and start-ups in that year. London’s infrastructure makes getting around and accessing facilities easy, despite the dense population and volume of traffic. Public transport and services are well established in all areas. Already well known for its manufacturing businesses East London is home…

4 Tips To Open A Great Restaurant

Almost half of all restaurant employees in the world declare that they would really like to own their own restaurant at one point in time. The problem is that this is not at all something that is simple. Opening a restaurant is one of the most difficult parts of the process. There are many different things that have to be taken into account and the start is definitely the most important part of the process. If you want to increase the possibility of success, here are some tips to open a great restaurant from professional Robert Sambol. Always Start With…