Posts Tagged‘health’

Dr. Adam Stein Raleigh, NC talks about who can benefit from neck surgery

Over the last few years it would be fair to say that advancements in neck surgery have been monumental. Once upon a time they were tried-and-tested, but now the situation has turned on its head. The procedures are advanced to say the least, and the rates of success are some of the highest around. The result of the above is that a huge proportion of people have benefited from a full recovery of their initial neck problem. This is something that appeared inconceivable just several years ago. One person who knows plenty about neck surgery is Dr. Adam Stein Raleigh,…

Are Your Health and Fitness Needs Lacking?

Taking care of your body can almost at times seem like a full-time job. So, would you say you are doing everything within your power to meet your body’s needs? From eating the right foods and making sure you exercise to knowing where to turn in a crisis, take care of you. Meeting Emergencies Head-on Despite doing all you can to care for yourself, there may come a time or two when a medical emergency comes your way. If they do, are you ready to meet them head-on? Even with a normal life when it comes to eating and exercise,…

Feeling the Music: 5 unexpected benefits of dancing

Every culture that exists or has existed on Earth has danced. As art, either amateur or professional, dance has been an integral part of society since the dawn of time. History is replete with examples – everything from the religious dances of ancient Rome to the stately court dances of China – the world has swayed to the music for thousands of years. Modern Western societies have accepted dance as an integral part of their culture. The adoption of a novel dance form every few years is proof of that. Disco, line dancing, breakdancing and more follow each other into…

5 Uses of Hemp Oil Which Benefit Your Body

It is vital that you note that there is a major difference between hash oil and hemp oil. Hash oil is usually full of flavor and it’s made from the raw seeds taken from the hemp plant. Hemp oil, on the other hand, is a dietary supplement and a beauty aid that has been documented. You should also know that there is so much myth concerning the medicinal purposes of hemp oil. Some of the claims include its ability to cure cancer as well as other disorders that have not been confirmed yet. This article will, therefore, discuss only the…

Ways To Deal With Your Partner’s Bad Hygiene

At risk of stereotyping, despite the prolific amount of male beauty products now on the market, there is a tendency for some chaps to be less than scrupulous in their personal hygiene. In fact, there’s a pocket of resistance to the whole concept of being clean and fresh; there are still men who believe that their masculinity comes from their disregard of soap and water. But men are not the only culprits. It could be that your female partner is equally dedicated to staying “natural”. She could be avoiding the pressures of the beauty industry to such an extent that…

Why you Should Invest in a Good Toothbrush

Toothbrushes are a necessity in everyday life – chances are you probably don’t even give a second thought to your choice of toothbrush, so much as you merely make sure you have one at all times. Although having a toothbrush is essential for daily dental hygiene, more time and care should be taken to choose a design that can help fend off any dental issues in the long-term, not just the short-term. Invest in an electric toothbrush Electric toothbrushes have been repeatedly proven to be significantly more efficient in combatting any dental health issues. Investing in an electric toothbrush is…

What is Vaser Liposuction

Vaser Liposuction is one of the most recent treatments for reducing excess body fat. To put the procedure simply, it is more advanced version of liposuction. Vaser stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’, essentially this involves sound energy is used to liquefy excess fat cells. Many people are considering Vaser Liposuction for fat reduction because of its extensive benefits. Vaser Liposuction is less invasive than traditional liposuction and it only targets fat cells, which means it is less damaging to the surrounding tissue, such as blood vessels. This is beneficial as it causes less swelling and bruising…

The Most Popular Destinations For Cosmetic Surgery In The World

Medical tourism is on the rise, many people are drawn to cosmetic surgery providers abroad because they offer the same quality of care at a greatly reduced price. Of course, there are some people who have reservations about travelling for medical treatments and, in some ways, they are right to be cautious. It is important to complete extensive research into a provider to ensure you find one with the highly qualified surgeons and a track record of producing excellent results, such as Longevita in Turkey. These are some of the most popular destinations for cosmetic surgery in the world. Turkey…

Dream of Being a Surgeon? Here’s What the Road Ahead Looks Like

If you’re passionate about knowledge, have a deep desire to help people heal and overcome serious illnesses, have the intellectual acumen to get exceptional grades, have high self-confidence, and the self-discipline to handle a long and very rigorous learning and development path, then you might indeed have what it takes to join the ranks of the one of the most important — and indeed, most lucrative professions in the world: being a surgeon.