Posts Tagged‘Auto’

The Time To File A Car Accident Claim Is Right Away

If you have been involved in an automobile accident and are unable to work due to an injury, or you have had to pay out of pocket for physiotherapy (which is generally not covered by OHIP), the time to file your claim is now. When it comes to car accident tort claims in Ontario, the statute of limitations is 2 years, even if the accident resulted in death and your are pursuing this case on behalf of a lost loved one. Besides collecting No Fault accident benefits, there are things you can do on your own to ensure that you…

4 Tips to Purchasing a Used Car or Truck

Are you scratching an itch to buy a used car or truck? In the event you are, will you go about it the right way? Unfortunately, too many consumers rush into such a decision, ultimately regretting the vehicle they end up with. In order for you to come away with a vehicle that is worth every penny you spent, it is important that you give the Internet some attention in this pursuit. Yes, there are newspaper classified ads and auto magazines in most neighborhoods, but the Internet is where you find your true search value. With that being the case,…

Here’s How New Automotive Technology Can Solve Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a deceptively complex issue — one that defies easy solutions. But it’s increasingly clear that new technologies will play a large and perhaps decisive role in its amelioration, along with the sorts of cultural and behavioral changes that proved so successful in stigmatizing unhealthy activities such as tobacco use and driving under the influence. These technologies, all of which are operational or in development, are among the most exciting anti-distraction innovations of the decade.